Prof. Qiangqiang Yuan

Prof. Qiangqiang Yuan

袁强强教授  武汉大学.png

Prof. Qiangqiang Yuan

Wuhan University


QiangqiangYuan , a professor at the School of Surveying and Mapping of Wuhan University, a doctoral supervisor, secretary of the Party Branch of the Institute of Aerospace and Mapping, and Deputy Director of the Department of Surveying and Mapping Engineering. He was selected as a national high -level youth talent, and Kerry Wei'an "Global High Scholar." Mainly engaged in teaching and research in the quality improvement of remote sensing image, information fusion and quantitative remote sensing. Prested 3 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 national key research and development plans, 1 outstanding youth science fund in Hubei Province, and more than 10 other national and provincial and ministerial projects; , JGR, IEEE TIP and other domestic and foreign academic journals have published more than 90 papers. The papers are always quoted more than 7,000 times (Google School), of which more than 600 are cited in a single article, 3 papers are selected into ESI hot papers, and 13 papers were selected for selected. ESI is highly cited, and 1 papers are selected as the most influential international academic papers in China (2021). As the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and GeoinFormation (JAG), EUROPEAN JOURNAL of Remote Sensing, Remote SESNING, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, IEEE Access, Sensors, "Remote Sensing Journal", "Remote Sensing Technology and Application" and other domestic and foreign journals Or editor. Won the first prize (3 times) for the Progress of Surveying and Mapping, the Second Prize of Natural Sciences in Hubei Province, the best reviewer of the IEEE GRSL, and the "Excellent Doctoral Paper in Hubei Province".