Prof. Jingming Chen

Prof. Jingming Chen


Prof. Jingming Chen

Fujian Normal University, China


JingmingChen , Senior Principal Scientist of Canada (2003), Member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences (2006), tenured professor in the Department of Geography and Planning of the University of Toronto, "Chair Professor" of Jiang Scholar of the Minister of Education, Director of the Academic Committee of the International Earth System Science Institute (ESSI), and overseas review Expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his bachelor's degree from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 1982 and his Doctor's degree from Reading University in 1986. He is currently editor-in-chief of Remote Sensing of Environment, Associate editor of Journal of Geophyiscal Research-Biogeosciences and Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Member of the Editorial Board of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the United States Flux Observation Network, member of the expert group of the Major Scientific Research Program on Global Change of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, member of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council Overseas Experts Advisory Committee.

Prof. Jingming Chen has made the following outstanding contributions to quantitative remote sensing, earth environment and climate change, and environmental protection: He invented the optical instrument for measuring the leaf area index; Developed the most advanced geometric optics 4-scale model for satellite image processing; The hyperspectral 5-scale model has been developed and has become an important tool for airborne image analysis and satellite image interpretation. A terrestrial carbon cycle monitoring system has been developed using satellite data, ground data and models. Research on forest carbon sequestration in Canada has influenced the development of Canada's National Climate Change Research Plan and other related policies.